Every aspect of an individual is coded for in DNA. Every feature of an individual is inherited from the parents through the DNA. We see the diversity of characteristics in life forms because of the tremendous genetic variability already present in the DNA. Each individual expresses only a portion of the vast genetic variability in our genes. To understand how much information is contained in our genes, consider the number of possible combinations of the DNA of one mother and one father. Each combination can create one person, with half of the DNA inherited from the mother and the other half from the father. The human genome project found that human DNA contains three billion base pairs. This makes more possible combinations of DNA from two people than there are electrons in the known universe. That is not a typo, it is a fact. This incomprehensible number is true because of the mathematics of combinations. Each combination is a new individual. This is an amazing truth and this is the genetic variability that was explained in the discussion of natural selection.
Beneficial new characteristics for species are not created through mutations of DNA. However, there is a vast variety of characteristics that are already encoded in the DNA. What makes each individual unique and special are the characteristics that are expressed in their DNA. Children are not identical to their parents. It is not because they had mutations that make them different; it is because they are expressing portions of the DNA that they inherited from their parents that already has this coded information. Some children are smarter than either of their parents, or more athletic than either of their parents, or better looking, or more musical, or taller, or shorter, or have different colors of hair. We are all different and unique and all of the information that gives us all of these characteristics and abilities is contained in our DNA. All of this information was contained in and inherited from our parent’s DNA. There is no new information in the DNA of the children that was not already present in the DNA of the parents.
Since DNA contains the information of our traits and characteristics, for evolution to be true there must be more and new information in the DNA. Here are two more things that make evolution not possible. First, that a change in DNA can make things better and second, that changes in DNA can increase the amount of coded information.
If mutations of DNA cannot increase the amount of information in DNA, then evolution logically cannot be possible.
So how is information gained in the evolutionary model? For evolution to be true there would have to be a method to increase the amount of information in DNA for things to become more complex and this new amount of information must be through mutations of DNA. The only explanation for more information presented by evolutionists is the process of gene duplication. This is where some parts of DNA are duplicated and then the same section of DNA is present more than once in DNA. This is not more information; it is a duplicate of the same information. It is a logical error to think gene duplication increases the amount of information.
The second problem is new information. Gene duplication only copies existing information and does not give new information. Other evolutionists have said that mutations cause new information such as the very few examples already discussed. Each of these simultaneously causes loss of the previous information. For example, a mutation may make some change at the active site of an enzyme but the old active site is then gone. If you get something new, you loose something at the same time, so there is no increase in information. It is pure logic and mathematics. If you loose something to gain something, there is no net increase. In addition to this loss of the previous functions, we have already discussed how anything new that is better for an individual is not a better species anyway.
Information is contained in DNA. Different species have different numbers of chromosomes. We have 46 chromosomes. Some life forms that are less advanced have even more. A potato has 48, a chimp also has 48, a goldfish has 94 and a fern has a whopping 1,320. If species are evolving from other species, how do they get a different number of chromosomes, and why do some less advanced life forms have more chromosomes? This is not explained by evolutionists.
Mutations of DNA make things worse once they already exist, but now we have the problem of how does mutations of DNA add things that do not yet exist? This is another big problem that evolutionists cannot explain. Darwin in 1859 could suggest that life forms get more complex by minor changes, but evolutionists today have to explain how that happens and they must explain it at the level of scientific knowledge that we now have. It must be explained through DNA. Any characteristic that could provide a survival advantage must be coded for in the DNA. Creationists say that all of this information is already in the DNA. Evolutionists say that this new information ‘evolved’ but cannot tell us how. There must be a way based on DNA mutations that explains how more and new information gets in the DNA. Evolutionists have not been able to explain it and it does not make any sense how it could possibly happen. However, it is a necessary condition for evolution to be true.
Combinatorial mathematics is a branch of science and mathematics that deals with combinations and permutations. Informatics is the field of study and application of information technology to the arts and sciences. The field of medicine has informed consent so that no patient will make a decision without being informed because we know information is power.
You do not need to be a combinatorial mathematician or an informatics analyst to make an informed decision concerning:
If mutations of DNA cannot increase the amount of information in DNA, then evolution logically cannot be possible.
The International Society for the Study of the Origin of Life has discussed this problem in the article, “Emergence of Coding and its Specificity as a Physico-Informatic Problem” published in their peer reviewed journal Origins of Life and Evolution of Biospheres. They agree (even in the title) that there is a “problem” explaining how information is coded in life. This ability to contain and transmit information is the essence of life itself. However, the most recent information (from the evolutionary experts) about information can only say “the historical origin of the usefulness of molecular information is not well understood”. So they don’t know. It is both unknown and unexplained.
Even more revealing is this article published in the Journal Evolutionary Biochemistry and Physiology (which in Russian is, Zhurnal evoliutsionnoi biokhimii i fiziologii). The title is “RNA World”–an unlikely scenario of the life origin and early evolution on Earth”. These evolutionary experts completely disagree with “the most widely accepted” explanation for “information transfer”. They begin with the statement that “The most widely accepted modern scenario of prebiotic evolution that led to the emergence of the first cells on our planet is the “RNA World”–a hypothetical period of the early Earth’s biosphere, when the information transfer and all the processes necessary for the functioning of the primary systems were provided by replicating RNA molecules”.
After extensive and exhaustive research of everything the most knowledgeable experts on earth have presented in this field of study they concluded there are at least 5 reasons they believe this is not true. While some of these terms are technical, the meaning is clearly evident. They report “the analysis shows that the hypothesis of “RNA World” has a number of unsurmountable problems of chemical and informational nature. The biggest of them are: a) the unreliability of the initial components synthesis; b) a catastrophic rise of polynucleotide chains instability with their elongation; c) catastrophically low probability of formation of sequences possessing meaningful information; d) lack of a mechanism determining the regularities division of the membrane vesicles permeable to nitrogen bases and other RNA components; e) lack of driving forces for the transition from the RNA world to the much more complex world based on DNA and RNA. Therefore, the “RNA World” scenario seems unlikely”.
These results confirm many other reports in the peer reviewed literature. DNA has many aspects that are unknown and unexplained and these are presented in several of these 50 controversies. This controversy is focused on the aspect of how more and new information gets in the DNA.
It is a published fact in peer reviewed scientific journals that how mutations of DNA can increase the amount of information in DNA in unexplained.