The tree of life

If the phylogeny of eukaryotes cannot be determined, then evolution logically cannot be possible.

There are many different forms of life and evolution needs to explain how we got all of these. Evolution attempts to explain how all of the life forms evolved from each other using what is called ‘phylogeny’, which is the study of evolutionary relationships among groups of organisms. When there are new forms of life evolutionists explain this as the evolutionary branching process and are shown as branches on a phylogenic tree. This has also been called the tree of life. The symbolism is that all of life has a common ancestor which is represented by the trunk of the tree and each time a new species evolves, this is represented by a ‘branch’. The tree of life is shown to have branches and more branches with each new species.

Since all of the eukaryote life of plants and animals must have ‘evolved’ from the same ‘branch’, evolutionists have tried to put together how all of these life forms could have evolved or branched into all of the life that we now have. We can look at the specific parts of life to try to develop this ‘tree of life’. The reasoning is that new species that evolved from older species would have ‘parts’ in their life that are the same, since they came from each other. These ‘parts’ can be the same structures, the same organs, or the same parts of the cell. 

As an example, some of the parts of life that are important when discussing eukaryotes is the cell membrane and cell nucleus since all eukaryotes have a cell membrane and a cell nucleus, and there are no prokaryotes which have these. Therefore if evolution is true, everyone agrees that all eukaryotes must have a common ancestor that had the first cell membrane or cell nucleus. Since this life was the first to have these features, this life is called the ‘ancestor’ to all subsequent life.

We can now look at life at a much higher level than looking to see if different species have the same structures, organs, or parts of a cell. We can now look at the DNA that makes these structures, organs and parts. We would expect to see in the DNA of species that evolve from each other the reason that these species evolved from each other. The DNA should prove that evolution is true, if it is true! See, since everything in life is coded in the DNA, we should be able to look at the DNA and see what changed from one species to another to make the new species. It should be obvious and that would end this problem forever! So what do we know about how all of these eukaryotes came into existence by investigating the DNA?

The journal Genome Biology and Evolution published an article that did an “Analysis of rare genomic changes” to consider this problem. They were convinced that if things evolved from each other there should be a way to look at the DNA and see similarities that support (or even prove) what life form came from what other life form. But as we develop more technology to understand the complexities of life better, what we find is inconsistent with what evolutionists expected to find. In this case, analysis of DNA sequences contradicted what they had thought was the phylogeny (branching) of eukaryotes.

In fact, they summarize the effort as, “The deep phylogeny of eukaryotes is an important but extremely difficult problem of evolutionary biology. Five eukaryotic supergroups are relatively well established but the relationship between these supergroups remains elusive”. Again, it is important because evolution cannot be true unless it can be explained, and it is elusive because they cannot explain it. Even worse for evolutionists is that what they do find contradicts what they said they would find. This leads to new “theories” and the cycle goes on and on. There is never an answer and all the while there are more and more discoveries that contradict their own teachings!

This is just one example, but be aware that evolution has not been able to confirm anything evolving from anything else. This is tremendously important. The mechanism of evolution is DNA mutations. It is at the level of DNA that changes are made according to evolution. This is just a fact. It is not controversial. For evolution to be true life must have evolved by changes in the DNA. The problem for evolutionists is that now we are able to investigate the sequences of DNA. We can know for certain the sequences of DNA of different life forms. Evolutionists were so sure that once they looked at the sequences of DNA they could see what changes were made when some life forms evolved into other life forms. This is not what is found. The more DNA we sequence the more that cannot be explained. There is not a single example based on DNA of any life form evolving into any another life form. Evolutionists have never presented sequences of changes of DNA of any life form that made a new life form. There is not one! There are so many forms of life on the planet that we cannot even count them. The number of species is such an interesting topic that it is presented separately as controversy number 33. For now we will just discuss the topic of how there is not even one example, based on DNA sequences, of any one species that evolved.     

We can sequence the DNA of any of the literally innumerable life forms on earth. With all of these to choose from, evolutionists cannot come up with even one set of DNA changes that can confirm that evolution is true. It will forever be an “important but extremely difficult problem of evolutionary biology”. This is yet another example where the evolutionists do not have any answer at all.

The tree of life (phylogeny) is a necessary condition for evolution to be true, but it is a published fact in peer reviewed scientific journals that the phylogeny of eukaryotes cannot be explained based on DNA.

 You do not need to be a DNA sequencing phylogenist to see the pattern that:

 If the phylogeny of eukaryotes cannot be determined, then evolution logically cannot be possible.