There are up to 2 trillion galaxies and each galaxy has between ten million and one trillion stars. Our Milky Way Galaxy contains between 200 and 400 billion stars. Our sun is a typical star and is so big that 1,300,000 earths could fit inside. Our Sun is believed to have been born about 4.6 billion years ago from the gravitational collapse of a vast cloud of gas and dust. Material in the center of the cloud was squeezed so tightly that it became hot enough to ignite nuclear fusion. The Sun fuses hydrogen atoms to make helium in its core. It fuses about 600 million tons of hydrogen every second, yielding 596 million tons of helium. The remaining four tons of hydrogen are converted to energy, which makes the Sun shine. The Sun has enough hydrogen to burn for several billion more years. Without the Sun there is no life and this must be how the sun was formed for evolution to be true. Evolutionists do not know how this much matter could have ‘gravitational collapse’ to form a sun that will burn for billions of years. We do not know how the stars were formed through evolution.