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If evolution is true then everything that is in the world and universe, everything that exists anywhere would have to have come into existence through evolution. If there is anything that exists that could not exist because of evolution, then evolution is not true. It’s common sense. Evolution must be the reason for everything if it is the reason for anything.
This logical framework is based on Darwin himself. When he presented the theory of evolution he understood that everything would have to be explained by evolution. If anything could not be explained he knew his theory would be wrong. Darwin said:
“If it could be demonstrated that any complex organ existed, which could not possibly have been formed by numerous, successive, slight modifications, my theory would absolutely break down.”
He is telling us that if any organ in life exists that cannot be produced through evolution, then evolution is not true. We are only expanding this same logic to all of creation and not limiting the evidence to only explaining organs in life forms.
There are a multitude of areas of disagreement between creationists and evolutionists which are on the Physical and Life Sciences Pages. Creationists only need to be correct on one, any one of these multiple areas of disagreement for evolution to be impossible. This is explained on the Logic Page and is an incredible and powerful truth.
Scientific evidence that contradicts evolution
If evolution is not true, then God must be real who created all things.
Romans 1:20: For since the creation of the world God’s invisible qualities —his eternal power and divine nature — have been clearly seen, being understood from what has been made, so that people are without excuse.
What has evolution explained?
Absolutely nothing in all of existence has been explained how it came to exist through evolution. Some topics have theories which are unproven, others have multiple theories which are not agreed upon, and others have no explanation at all. Evolution needs to be able to explain how everything came to exist, but evolution has not been able to explain how anything exists through evolution. Not one thing in all of creation. How can we say this? The evolutionary journals are available online through the National Library of Medicine and include every area of science. These journals confirm that the details of how anything evolved are unknown.
Presented here are many topics in creation science. Being convinced that any one of these could not be the result of evolution is logically sufficient to conclude and be certain that evolution is not true.
Why does it matter?
Half of the US population believes in evolution, and this gives people a reason for things to exist without God. Many people confuse natural selection with evolution, and the vast majority are completely unaware of how many things are unexplained by evolution and of the scientific evidence that directly contradicts it.
Since God must exist if evolution is not true, being certain that evolution is not true is a basis of fundamental belief.