Why are the dinosaurs extinct? We do not know. Extinction is not uncommon and there is nothing special about the dinosaur’s extinction. Dozens of species become extinct everyday! There are many reasons including disease, food chain disruption, spread of invasive species, habitat degradation, volcanoes, meteorite impacts that affect climate, and activities of man.
If all of the species could not have evolved, then evolution logically cannot be possible.
Evolution describes life as becoming more complex and diverse with the development of new species. Have you ever wondered how many species there are? Is it reasonable that this number could have evolved? The Public Library of Science (PLOS) Biology has published an article titled, “How Many Species Are There on Earth and in the Ocean?” Here they discuss how “The diversity of life is one of the most striking aspects of our planet”, and consider how “Knowing the number of species on Earth is one of the most basic yet elusive questions in science”. Here is this “elusive” word again in evolutionary journals!
The results are that they estimate 86% of the land species and 91% of the life in the ocean has not yet been discovered or described! This is after the massive effort of more than 2,700 scientists in over 80 countries worked together for a decade as part of the Census of Marine Life. They further estimate that it would take up to 1,200 years and 303,000 taxonomists (scientists) to finish describing the earth’s remaining species. Yes, that’s right. There are so many we cannot even begin to find them. These numbers are the total numbers after 250 years of taxonomic classification, the last 10 years of the 250 years was this massive project.
They also note that a vast number of species will become “extinct before we know they even existed”. Indeed, the Center for Biologic Diversity has generated a report, “The Extinction Crisis” and states that “literally dozens (of species are) going extinct everyday”. We know there are dozens of species going extinct everyday! This doesn’t make any sense if evolution is true, shouldn’t there be more and more species? No one is saying that there are dozens of species evolving everyday. In fact, we are told that evolution happens so slowly that there is no way to see it happening. The numbers just don’t add up. If it doesn’t fit, you must acquit.
If 2,700 scientists from all over the world working for 10 years full time think they have found only 14% of the land species and only 9% of the ocean life, then we will never find them all. Even if we wanted to it would take another 1,200 years. Even if we wanted to we would need to pay 303,000 scientists to do it.
These numbers are so extreme. Sometimes people use the word “countless’ just to mean a really big number. Here the number of species really cannot be counted. It is just not reasonable to think that these literally countless numbers of species have all evolved out of nothingness into more species than thousands of scientists can count, even if they had another 1,200 years to do the counting. It seems absurd. It doesn’t make sense. It seems illogical. However, this is yet another necessary condition for evolution to be true.
It is a published fact in peer reviewed scientific journals that the number of species cannot be counted.
Numerology is the study of the symbolism of numbers. You do not need to be a numerologist to count on the fact:
If all of the species could not have evolved, then evolution logically cannot be possible.