There is a mathematical reason that evolutionists must be right on every area for evolution to be true, while creationists only need to be right on one area for creation to be true. This is all based on probability. The logical framework provides the method to evaluate all the scientific evidence, while probability allows us to make an informed decision of what we believe.
Since evolution is the result of random chance mistakes we need to understand chance to see if evolution could be true. The chance that something could happen randomly is calculated by probabilities. This is not controversial, just cold hard math. Here’s how it works. For any calculation you use the number of events and the number of possible outcomes of an event. For example, a coin has two sides so there are two possible outcomes, heads and tails. The probability of getting heads for each event or try is ½. If you flip twice, there are two events and you multiply (1/2)(1/2)= ¼. So, there is a one in four chance of getting heads both times. If there are three events you multiply again. The probability of getting heads three times is (1/2)(1/2)(1/2)=1/8. There is a one in 8 chance of getting heads all three times.
This book is discussing a selected 50 topics that all must be true for evolution to be true. So the probability that evolution is true is calculated by multiplying the probability of each of the 50 events together. For example, if you think there is a 50% chance of each of the 50 being right, this is calculated as:
(.50)(.50)(.50)(.50) (.50)(.50)(.50)(.50)(.50)(.50)(.50)(.50)(.50)(.50) = 8.9 x 10-14 %,
this is essentially zero:
Here is the astounding truth. If any of the 50 topics is not true, then this is a 0% chance just for that one topic. Zero times anything is Zero! If you are 100% certain that the evolutionists are right on 49 of the topics, but there is one, only one that you think they are wrong, then this is calculated as:
(1.0)(1.0)(1.0)(1.0) (1.0)(1.0)(1.0)(1.0)(1.0)(1.0)(1.0)(1.0)(1.0)(0.0) = 0 %
This mathematical calculation is true and accurate because each of the 50 topics is an INDEPENDENT EVENT. As independent events, each can be considered individually. As independent events, the probability of each controversial topic of evolution is multiplied together to come up with the probability that the whole process of evolution is true. This is the reason that creationists only need to be correct on one of them.
Since evolution is the result of random chance mistakes, the chance that evolution could be true is calculated with probabilities. This book presents just 50 of the controversial topics concerning evolution. There are actually innumerable random chance events for all of evolution to have occurred to change molecules into life and this life into man.
There are innumerable species on earth. Each of these must be the result of innumerable mutations of DNA, and this is only after there is life. The number of events we are talking about is so ridiculously large it cannot be conceived. The probability of any one of these innumerable events is vanishingly remote and this must be combined with this unknown number of events for evolution to be true. It is simply not logical to believe in evolution based on probability alone. Since evolution is the result of random chance events and random events are probabilities, the chance that evolution is true is essentially zero.
If any one of these topics is not true, then evolution is not true. This is because zero times anything is zero! This is the result of the logical framework which provides the method to evaluate all the scientific evidence, combined with mathematical probability that allows us to make an informed decision of what we believe.