If bacteria could not evolve the ability to do photosynthesis, then evolution logically cannot be possible.
The evolutionist’s explanation of how we have plants begins with how photosynthesis started. Evolutionists teach that the earliest life on earth was algae and bacteria. There is one type of bacteria called cyanobacteria, which is also called blue-green algae, that has the ability to do photosynthesis. We are told by evolutionists that these bacteria lived in the ancient oceans and were the first life that developed photosynthesis.
Photosynthesis is the ability to use the energy of light to make the food that the life form needs to survive. Both plants and cyanobacteria are green because of the pigment chlorophyll that absorbs light well. The process of photosynthesis is exceedingly complex. There are specific structural requirements for components of the system to be separated by membranes and also required coordinated biochemical reaction cycles. It is difficult for science students to understand it now, much less comprehend how it could have evolved out of nothing. We do not need to present all of the intricate features, structures and chemical reactions that exist to understand the basic question if evolutionists can explain how it exists.
Let’s just see what the evolutionists say about it. The most comprehensive review was titled “Origin and early evolution of photosynthesis” and was published many years ago in 1992 in the journal Photosynthesis Research. This research using sequence analysis of an important part of photosynthesis called ‘reaction centers’ concluded that “No simple linear branching evolutionary scheme can account for the distribution patterns of reaction centers in existing photosynthetic organisms”. So, as we developed the technology to understand the ‘parts’ in photosynthesis we learned that it could not have evolved like it had always been explained.
The only possibility is that there must have been two separate photosystems which both evolved at the same time because they are so different and cannot be explained by requirement of evolution of only one change at a time. The evolutionists were left to use the language of “a likely possibility” and “possible scenarios”. The evolution of photosynthesis just can not be explained!
Another 20 years of effort gave no further understanding. The Journal Plant Physiology had an article titled, “Early Evolution of Photosynthesis”. In this article of a respected evolutionary scientific journal it is summarized as, “We know very little about the earliest origins of photosynthesis. There have been numerous suggestions as to where and how the process originated, but there is no direct evidence to support any of the possible origins”. So, even the experts “know very little”.
There are continued attempts to explain it because everyone knows it must have happened for evolution to be true. It is a necessary condition. There would be no life on earth without photosynthesis but we do not know how it possibly could have started through evolution. This is yet another example where even the evolutionists cannot agree on how it could have happened. This is not the creationists who don’t agree with what the evolutionists are saying. This is the evolutionists who cannot agree among themselves. Some even promote that two separate photosystems both evolved at the same time because there is no way to make sense of what we know is true and exists. There are only “suggestions” based on “no direct evidence” which results in us knowing “very little”.
It is a published fact in peer reviewed scientific journals that the origin of photosynthesis is unexplained.
You do not need to be a bacteriologist to be enlightened with the knowledge that:
If bacteria could not evolve the ability to do photosynthesis, then evolution logically cannot be possible.