If there is no origin of phagocytosis, then evolution logically cannot be possible.
Phagocytosis is the ingestion (eating) of bacteria or other material outside of a cell to get it into a cell. The way it works is that the cell membrane basically surrounds something that is outside the cell and then pinches this off to make a bubble inside the cell that contains the bacteria or other material. This is part of the mechanism of the endosymbiotic theory. Remember the endosymbiotic theory is how animal cells got mitochondria and how plant cells got chloroplasts. Plants cannot live without chloroplasts and animals cannot live without mitochondria. They both provide the energy for life and both are thought by evolutionists to have happened by the endosymbiotic theory. We have already talked about how if the endosymbiotic theory is not true that evolution cannot be true. Now we are talking about how endosymbiosis happens.
Phagocytosis is how many cells today get the ‘food’ they need inside the cell so that they can make energy in the mitochondria. So, phagocytosis is essential for current life. This is separate from the controversy that includes phagocytosis as needed first so that endosymbiosis could happen later, and then through endosymbiosis essential parts of life, like mitochondria and chloroplasts, can become part of a new life. Now we are talking only about phagocytosis. We have already discussed how the cytoskeleton is made up of a network of fibers in the cell fluid in controversy number 23. Remember that there are several types of these fibers called microtubules (tiny tubes), microfilaments (tiny ropes or lattices) and intermediate filaments (larger ropes or lattices). Remember also that these together have seven different functions. Phagocytosis is just one of the seven functions that were listed in the discussion of the amazing cytoskeleton.
Phagocytosis works by remodeling the branched filaments which are part of the cytoskeleton for the purpose of making and supporting the physical changes that are needed to engulf something outside the cell and put it in a ‘bubble’ inside the cell, and then to reform the cell membrane to continue to separate the outside from inside the cell. Obviously this is a very complicated procedure requiring signaling, coordination and formation of structural components.
The journal Biology Direct discusses this problem in the article, “The origins of phagocytosis and eukaryogenesis” and recognizes this as “central to the very origin of the eukaryotic cell.” They compared the types of proteins that would be needed for this to have evolved and conclude that eukaryotes, “do not possess readily identifiable prokaryotic homologs” meaning that they have no idea which prokaryotes could possibly have had the proteins needed for this to have happened to become eukaryotes. They hope that all of their effort and research “yields clues to the possible origin of phagocytosis.” Their conclusion that the “findings suggest a hypothetical scenario of eukaryogenesis” only confirms that no one can explain this.
We do not need to fully understand all the specifics of the cytoskeleton or the molecular mechanisms of phagocytosis to get the main point. Actually, no one fully understands these. The fact is that evolutionists simply cannot explain how phagocytosis started. Some of these layers of controversies are that endosymbiosis works through phagocytosis and phagocytosis works using the cytoskeleton. However all three of these are unexplained. The cytoskeleton, phagocytosis and endosymbiosis are all individually unexplained controversies, and they are all necessary conditions for evolution to be true.
Creationists agree with these scientist researchers that this is “central to the very origin of the eukaryotic cell.” When the experts doing the research for evolution communicate to other scientists in their own journals using language like “clues” and “possible origin”, and then resort to trying to “suggest a hypothetical scenario” they clearly just do not know. However, what most people do not know is that no one knows. There is not a single person on the planet that can explain the origin of phagocytosis.
It is a published fact in peer reviewed scientific journals that the origin of phagocytosis is unexplained.
Phagocytosis is defined as the engulfing and ingestion of bacteria, and is commonly presented in the scientific community with the analogy of eating. You do not need to be a cellular physiologist to digest the fact that:
If there is no origin of phagocytosis, then evolution logically cannot be possible.