If there is no origin of peroxisomes, then evolution logically cannot be possible.
Since no prokaryotic cell has membrane bound organelles and every eukaryotic cell has membrane bound organelles, evolution must explain how these evolved. One important membrane bound organelle in eukaryotes is peroxisomes.
There are many chemical reactions that have to happen inside cells. Some of these break down toxic substances and others are used make fats lipids (fats) which are needed by the body. Each of these is vital for life. Toxic substances must be broken down, and lipids must be manufactured. Lipids are fatty acids which are used for normal development of eye, liver, kidney, and bone function. However, the most important use of lipids is the coating of our nerve fibers in a tissue called myelin. Without peroxisomes, there is no myelin, and without myelin the brain which is made of nerves cannot function.
Both animal cells and plant cells need peroxisomes to survive. Peroxisomes are individual tiny sacs like bubbles, called organelles that contain up to 50 different enzymes. In plants they are used to convert stored fatty acids to carbohydrates (sugars), which is how the plant gets all of the energy it needs to live. Peroxisomes are also used in the leaves of plants to metabolize products made during photosynthesis. Plants simply cannot live without peroxisomes.
Humans also cannot survive without peroxisomes. There is a disease called Zellweger Syndrome which is an inherited genetic condition where any one of 13 different genes has a mutation in which affected individuals do not have normal peroxisomes. It has a terrible prognosis and most infants do not survive past 6 months of age. The lack of myelin on the nerves which is made from the lipids in peroxisomes causes mental retardation, seizures, and respiratory distress. Many infants cannot suck or swallow, and others cannot move at all. There is no cure, no treatment, and no hope. The only thing medicine has to offer is supportive care.
Peroxisomes are essential for life. Without peroxisomes there is no plant life. Without peroxisomes there is no animal life. Without peroxisomes there is no life at all. So how does evolution explain the origin of peroxisomes? They just don’t know. In the journal, Cellular and Molecular Life Sciences the article, “A metabolic scenario for the evolutionary origin of peroxisomes from the endomembranous system” describes the current understanding as the “specific nature of this evolutionary origin remains unknown, and has been the focus of much scientific debate”. Indeed, it is unknown!
So the endosymbiotic origin of peroxisomes has essentially been discarded by many scientists who are now trying to find evidence that they came from the endoplasmic reticulum instead, but no one can agree. There is not an evolutionary scientist on planet earth that can explain the origin of peroxisomes that can be agreed upon even by other evolutionists! The only thing they can agree on is that the “evolutionary origin remains unknown”.
Peroxisomes are like bubbles inside the cell that protect the cell from the toxic chemical reactions needed to make important chemicals for the cell. These are separate compartments that also make lipids which are essential for both plant and animal life. The evolutionary origin of peroxisomes is unknown, yet:
If there is no origin of peroxisomes, then evolution logically cannot be possible.
Evolutionists know they must be able to explain the origin of peroxisomes for evolution to be true. The problem they have is that nothing seems to make any sense on how this absolutely vital organelle in both animals and plants could possibly have evolved. In the journal Frontiers in Physiology the article, “Emerging roles of mitochondria in the evolution, biogenesis, and function of peroxisomes” explains how the peroxisomes were originally thought to have come into existence through the endosymbiotic theory just like mitochondria and chloroplasts. This is because their “features were considered unique to endosymbiotic organelles”. However as more experiments have been done things were discovered that makes this not possible. The Cellular and Molecular Life Sciences article describes this as “Despite years of intense research efforts, no compelling evidence in support of the above-mentioned ideas has been obtained. Peroxisomes show no definitive sign of an endosymbiotic origin”.
These results led evolutionary scientists to consider how else peroxisomes could have evolved. These authors have now developed a “novel model for the evolutionary origin of peroxisomes” which is from the endoplasmic reticulum. They are thinking since it could not have come from the endosymbiosis, maybe they came from the ER. The problem is there is no evidence they did. These scientists are only thinking about this now because what they thought they would find to confirm peroxisomes came from endosymbiosis was not found, so now they need a new idea. However, the idea that peroxisomes evolved from the ER does not make sense to other scientists. In fact, the origin of the endoplasmic reticulum itself is unexplained as is discussed in the next section.
Evolution cannot be true if there is no origin of peroxisomes because it is a necessary condition. Even though it is necessary, it is a published fact in peer reviewed scientific journals that the origin of peroxisomes is unknown.