Everyone is able to use logic to make decisions. Arguments or information can just make sense to us as humans. We will use logic and our ability to think and reason to make a decision if evolution is true or not. We will think about science and evolution in a new way to see if it makes any sense that evolution could be true.
Logic is defined as the science of the formal principles of reasoning. We can reason, consider, or think about topics in a way that gives us confidence in our beliefs. This is because our beliefs are based on the use of our logical mind. There is a format or structure that is needed to begin the process in this mental reasoning that will lead to a personal conclusion. When your beliefs are based on your own logical conclusions you will never again have doubts or questions.
The basis of this logical framework is the logical if/then statement. These will all be presented in this format:
If (the premise) is true, then (the conclusion) is true.
Each topic will have the same conclusion that evolution logically cannot be possible. Each topic will have a new premise that must be believed to be true to logically conclude that evolution is not possible. So the format of each section will be:
if (something is true), then evolution logically cannot be possible.
Each of the many topics can be thought of in this way. For evolution to even be possible, much less that it actually happened, each and every one of these 50 if/then statements must be false. If you feel that only one, any one of these statements is true, then you must logically conclude that evolution could not possibly have happened.
I am fully aware (and even expect) that there will be evolutionists who will disagree with a few of my if/then statements. Even with this inevitable criticism there will still be many of these that cannot be challenged and will be agreed upon by all. I contend that evolutionists must be correct on every one of these 50 areas of disagreement for evolution to be possible. However, creationists only need to be correct on one, any one of these multiple areas of disagreement for evolution to be impossible. Let’s examine why this is true.
A VALID logical statement is that if the premise is true, then the conclusion is true. Some evolutionists will not agree with some of my logical statements so these statements will not be valid for them. This is different from a SOUND logical statement where the premise IS true, the logical statement is also valid, and so then the conclusion is true. This will be the case for most people for most, if not all, of the content of this book. The average person will fully understand what this is all about as they read this book even if the details and differences of a valid and sound logical argument seem confusing. This is included to be complete and accurate logically. Let’s move on.
An important part of this new logical framework is that all of the 50 scientific topics that are discussed are INDEPENDENT EVENTS. As independent events, each can be thought of individually. This is the reason that creationists only need to be correct on one of them. So, we would next need to know why they all can be thought of as individual and independent events.
For evolution to be true many events must have occurred. There is an order and a sequence to these events, and without a previous event, a subsequent event could not happen. Evolution begins with the Big Bang. Without the Big Bang nothing else could happen later. Then there must be the formation of solar systems and planets. Without planets nothing else could happen. Then after the earth forms, there must be oceans. Without oceans nothing else could happen. Then there must be the development of the molecules that life is made of. Without these molecules nothing else could happen. Then there must be the development of life from non life. Without some form of life nothing else could happen. Then there must be a way plants and animals could develop from bacteria. Without plants and animals nothing else could happen. Then plants must be able to make an atmosphere. Without an atmosphere nothing else could happen. Then there must be a way for life to become more complex. This sequence of events goes on and on. Each event is individual and each event is independent of all of the other events. If any event does not happen, then you can never get to the life we now have. It’s just plain logic.
Evolution is often reduced to biology. How wrong! The events that have to happen come from every field of science. This book presents only 50 of them, but could never discuss all of them. There are actually so many of these individual and independent events that they cannot be counted. This is more than the usual biology, chemistry and physics. There is also geology, oceanography, astrophysics, cell biology, genetics, paleontology, planetary science, physiology, paleontology, microbiology, archeology, atmospheric physics, molecular biology, and on and on.
Creationists only need to be correct on one, any one of these multiple areas of disagreement for evolution to be impossible. Take a minute and think about this before you begin to think about each area. This is a new and incredible statement. It is a powerful truth. You are about to consider 50 controversies in science. Each of these is controversial. Is it conceivable that creationists are wrong on every one of them? Remember creationists are just people who believe in creation. They include the smartest of our scientists. They work at our greatest institutions. They have the highest level of education. They have the highest level of training. They have patents and publications and Nobel Prize awards. They include the best of the brightest of human minds. It is not that creationists are smarter than evolutionists or that evolutionists are smarter than creationists. We are all smart. We are all educated. We are all trained. We are all (created) equal. We are different only in whether we believe in evolution.
For evolution to be even possible, much less that it actually happened, each and every one of these 50 if/then statements must be false. All of these great and highly honored scientists would have to be wrong on every one of these areas of controversy. If you feel that only one, any one of these statements is true, then you must logically conclude that evolution could not possibly have happened.
Of course creationists believe they are certainly correct on the vast majority of these. The few that may be uncertain or are without universal support among all creationists (such as the age of the earth or entropy) would not change the logical structure that being right on only one is sufficient for evolution to not be possible and to logically conclude that creation is true. Each of these if/then statements are carefully worded and intended to be generally accepted as valid. Valid just means that the conclusion is true if the premise is true.
So the conclusion that evolution logically cannot be possible will be presented based on many premises which will cover a vast array of areas of disagreement among creationists and evolutionists. The main debate between creationists and evolutionists has always been whether or not the premises are true. For example, everyone agrees that planets must have formed after the Big Bang for evolution to be true. They just disagree on if planets could have formed after the Big Bang. Similarly, everyone agrees that if life cannot start from nonlife that evolution cannot be true, they just disagree on if life can start from nonlife or not. Another is that everyone agrees that DNA mutations is the method that must make better life forms for evolution to be true, they just disagree on if DNA mutations can make better life forms. Each of these areas of disagreement is presented with an if/then logical statement.
What is presented here that is new to the evolution and creation controversy is this logical framework. Each topic of disagreement can be considered one at a time. People will not get lost in the endless details of scientific facts and interpretations. If any one of these if/then logical statements is considered valid (the conclusion that evolution is false if the premise is true) by any person on any one topic, and they agree the premise is true, then it is logical to conclude that evolution is not possible and not true. It does not matter what people think about any of the other 49 topics, it does not change the logical conclusion that evolution is not true.
Many of these areas are very scientific and no one is going to understand every aspect of every area. If you don’t understand any of these 50 controversies just skip it and move on to the next one. Remember, it only takes understanding one and agreeing that the premise of that one, and only that one is true, to conclude that evolution is not true. Each of these many areas is convincing. However, they must also be considered as a group being aware that evolutionists must be right on every area for evolution to be true, while creationists only need to be right on one area for creation to be true. This is an incredible truth which will be explained next with probability.
Consider the following topics one at a time. Evaluate each of the following if/then logical statements and first decide if you agree that it is a valid statement. Then review the material in each section to see if you agree that the premise is true or not. If you agree that the if/then logical statement is valid, and you agree that the premise is true, then you must logically conclude that evolution is not possible. Do this for each section, one at a time. I believe you will agree with many of the premises, but it only takes one to be certain that evolution is false and creation is true. Let’s see why this is true, with probability.