If life cannot start from nonlife, then evolution logically cannot be possible.
This is a logical statement that should not be controversial. However, it is rarely discussed by evolutionists and is a major weakness for them. Evolution is the process which attempts to explain how things evolved once there was life. Evolution describes small changes in characteristics which give a survival advantage and then natural selection produces more advanced life. We have already discussed how natural selection only operates after a feature or physical characteristic exists. Natural selection did not create the long beaks in the finches, but finches that already have long beaks have a survival advantage during times of draught. These finches already had long beaks; they did not ‘evolve’ long beaks so they could survive. So, natural selection does not cause changes in characteristics, natural selection works on the variety of characteristics that are already in life.
This section on the beginning of life is similar. The theory of evolution does not create life; it presents a method for life to evolve once there is life. Life does not evolve from nonlife; different life forms are thought to evolve from each other once there is life. The theory of evolution cannot be true if there is no way for life to have begun in the first place! Unless there is an explanation of how life began from non life, evolution is impossible. Creationists and evolutionists can agree on this. The controversy is whether life can start from nonlife.
You may be surprised to know that the origin of life is unknown by evolutionists. Really, they don’t know! The story of primordial soup in the ancient oceans and a lightning strike as an energy source isn’t taken seriously by anybody. This has been completely disregarded. The problem for evolutionists is that they need to explain how the most basic biologic molecules were created before life began, then how they became organized into life, how this became a self replicating cycle, and how all of this became cells inside a membrane.
Evolutionists cannot explain how life began. They have developed the term ‘abiogenesis’ to describe the process of how life came from non-life, even though they have no explanation of what this process was. Somehow giving a name to what they cannot explain is supposed to give it credibility. So do not get confused that they have a name for how life began. Life did not begin by abiogenesis. Abiogenesis just means that life must have come from nonlife; it does not describe how that happened. What we need to know is how life came from non life.
The explanation of the origin of life has been sought after by the greatest minds of man. It would be the greatest human achievement to create life from nonlife. It would be the Nobel Prize. It would make the scientist world renown and considered the greatest among the greatest of all of time. And they have tried. They have tried at the most famous institutions, which have the same motivation to have this happen at their facilities. They have been given the best equipment. They have been given all the money they need. All of these highly intelligent, highly educated scientists working with the greatest equipment at the greatest Universities have failed. They cannot do it.
We can create any environment in the lab. We can supply any of the chemicals or molecules that they think might have somehow been present at the moment of life’s beginning. We can produce and reproduce any condition that they want. We can create any environment; we can include in it as many molecules as desired, in any amount desired, in any medium desired, in any proportion, at any temperature, at any pressure, and with any energy source. We can try and change and alter and repeat as much as we want. There is no limit. We can change everything, we can add anything, still no result. If it happened randomly and by chance, why can we not do it intentionally with all that we know? If it happened before, certainly we could make it happen now. There is no more knowledge that is needed. There is no more equipment that is needed. We know the structure and chemical composition of every part of every living creature and organism. We can supply everything that could possibly be needed to start life from nonlife, if it were possible. But it just isn’t possible. Life can’t just happen and it just plain did not happen randomly.
Evolutionists have two current theories on the origin of life. They both have so many unanswered questions that neither can be agreed upon, even among evolutionists. This is not creationists disagreeing with the evolutionists. This is (again) the evolutionists disagreeing with each other!
For life there must be biochemical pathways (called metabolism) and there must be instructions for the life form to do this metabolism (called genes). So the metabolism is needed for the genes to work and the genes are needed for metabolism to work. It is another chicken and the egg. Which came first?
When they both need each there is no way either could come first. It is an insolvable problem.
The two theories are called “genes first” and “metabolism first”. It is no surprise that since both each need other, one group thinks one of them came first and the other group thinks the other came first. Was it genes first or metabolism first? They both have the same problem of how to explain the existence of one without the other one already there. You cannot have metabolism without genes and you cannot have genes without metabolism. Life needs both. You cannot start life without both. If one must come first, and both are needed together, there is no way it can ever get started. This is just plain logic.
The origin of life from non life is an unresolved problem. The article “The origin of life: what we know, what we can know and what we will never know” published in the journal Open Biology verifies this quite obvious fact with the opening statement,” The origin of life (OOL) problem remains one of the more challenging scientific questions of all time”.
It is such a challenging question that scientists have developed an international society to try to figure this out. The International Society for the Study of the Origin of Life was officially formed in 1973 and has been publishing work in this field since 1968 in their journal, Origins of Life and Evolution of Biospheres. After these many decades of research these questions remain unanswered. The International Society for the Study of the Origin of Life will never figure it out because it never happened. They have been working on it with all of their international experts since 1973 and will never quit trying. But as of now, and as creationists believe will be for always and forever, there is no answer to how life came from non life.
Evolution cannot be true if life cannot start from nonlife. It is a necessary condition. Checkmate!
Yet, it is a published fact in peer reviewed scientific journals that the origin of life from nonlife is not known.
You do not need to be a member of Mensa, the international high IQ society, to realize:
If life cannot start from nonlife, then evolution logically cannot be possible.