Mission Juno
NASA has also sent a satellite to Jupiter. The satellite called Juno was launched in August of 2011 and is speeding towards Jupiter at 8,800 miles per hour and will arrive in July 2016. It is more than ironic that we have the understanding and technology to get there, yet cannot explain why it is there. The stated goal of mission Juno is to understand “the origin and evolution of Jupiter”. NASA has also stated, “We can’t understand the origin of the solar system- and how Earth came about- without understanding how Jupiter formed”. That’s odd. With all we know and can see with our high powered telescopes that we have placed in space, and with the brightest minds in the greatest universities on earth we do not know (?). Now NASA thinks we have to send a satellite to Jupiter, and maybe when we see what’s going on there we will know how our solar system formed. This is just more confirmation that evolutionists really cannot explain how what we know does exist, could exist through evolution.
It is currently thought by evolutionists that when the sun was born and nuclear fusion started in the center of the sun that this caused a great wind that blew away the rest of the gas and dust in the vast regions of our solar system. The planets are the ‘leftovers’ after this event. The size of Jupiter means it has more than twice the matter of all the other planets combined. Scientists are hopeful that they will learn things by going to Jupiter that will help them understand how planets are formed.
The whole point of mission Juno is to help us understand how the solar system, Earth and Jupiter were formed. This is because we currently do not know. This is not controversial. It is a fact, stated in Mission Juno. We have enough understanding of physics to develop technologies that can send a satellite to Jupiter. We can get there, but we cannot explain why it is there. With all of our knowledge we simply cannot explain how our solar system or a planet is formed.
The formation of suns, stars, solar systems and planets are all necessary conditions for evolution to be true.
It is a published fact of NASA “that we can’t understand the origin of the solar system”
You do not need to be a planet formation theorist to be certain that:
If planets and solar systems could not form after the Big Bang, then evolution logically cannot be possible.
The list of what evolutionists cannot explain is seemingly endless and just continues to grow as our ability to look at the world and universe increases. In June of 2014 NASA published “Astronomers Confounded By Massive Rocky World” on the NASA.gov site. The word confounded is defined as “used for emphasis, especially to express anger or annoyance”. It seems NASA is angry and annoyed that they found planet Kepler-10c because they cannot explain what exists. This planet called Kepler-10c has now been discovered and is 17 times larger than earth. NASA has stated, “This discovery has planet formation theorists challenged to explain how such a world could have formed.” and “Worlds such as this were not thought possible to exist.”
The reason for the confusion is that any planet this large would have such a large gravitational force that they would expect it to be what is called a ‘gas giant’ like the planets Neptune and Jupiter. But the planet Kepler-10c is solid and rocky. Evolutionists have absolutely no explanation for how this could exist, yet it does exist. It cannot be explained by any theory, and it certainly is not explained by the core accretion theory. Creationists cannot disagree with what the evolutionists are saying, because the evolutionists are stumped. They have no idea. It just doesn’t make any sense to them. The scientist who led the analysis of the data from obtained from a space telescope commented, “We were very surprised when we realized what we had found”.
This is part of NASA’s Mission Kepler which is the first mission capable of finding Earth-size and smaller planets around other stars. It seems the more we find that exists in the universe, the less that evolution makes sense. This is just another example of what we know does exist has no evolutionary explanation of how or why it exists.
Evolution cannot be true unless evolution can result in the formation of planets like Kepler-10c. The formation of planets like Kepler-10c is a necessary condition.
However, it is a published fact of NASA that the existence of planet Kepler-10c cannot be explained.
You do not need to be a planet formation theorist to conclude:
If planet Kepler-10c could not have formed after the Big Bang, then evolution logically cannot be possible