We now consider the human brain. The previous 49 topics document how all of these required events for evolution have no proven evolutionary explanation and many have no explanation at all. So now let’s consider what we would expect to find if there is a God who is able to create all that we experience in the world and universe.
We would be amazed at the wonder of the creation and this is evident in the creation. If there is a God, what would be considered God’s greatest creation? Do you think it would be the solar systems? Do you think it would be the oceans? Do you think it would be Photosynthesis? It is not any of these. While all of creation screams to us that God is the creator, his greatest creation is man, and what makes man unique among creation is the human brain.
The human brain is able to comprehend abstract concepts, feel emotions, contain memories, contemplate spirituality, and most significantly, it the location of our ability to have relationship with God. How amazing that God has created the ability for the creation to have relationship with the creator. This is beyond intellectual study or human comprehension.
The brain is the location where we are aware of the five senses of smell, taste, touch, hearing and sight. While these are not only seen in man, each of these is individually indescribably remarkable. We have learned how the receptors of these work but cannot explain how they could have evolved. All of these senses though are far more than just the receptors that can detect smell, taste, touch, hearing and sight. This information is transmitted to the brain and here the information in physical nerves becomes awareness in the realm of consciousness. We use our five senses to be aware of the environment, aware of the creation. We know what parts of the brain are involved with specific abilities of the brain like the interpretation of senses. The problem for evolution is that we have no idea how this works or how this could have evolved.
The human brain has special properties beyond the brains of other life. These include conscious awareness, morality and spoken language. The abilities of humans over all of creation are endless. We are so special and so unique that we could not have evolved from lower life forms. There is nothing like us. There is no life even close to us. Man alone is supreme among life. Man has dominion over the entire world. The closest life form that evolutionists have to man is the chimpanzee! We are nothing like chimpanzees. A chimpanzee cannot evolve into a man, and if it did where are all the intermediates? How many changes would have to take place for a chimpanzee to become a man? No one knows, and there is no evidence or explanation of how this could have happened. Considering the human brain leaves us in absolute awe of the uniqueness of man among life.
There have been attempts to find evidence for the evolution of man from monkeys. In the section LACK OF TRANSITIONAL FOSSILS, there is a discussion titled “The failed attempts to find the “missing link”. This details the history of attempts to find fossil evidence of man evolving from monkeys. Of course nothing was ever found and there is no fossil evidence of the evolution of man from monkeys. There is no explanation for any of the differences, particularly no evidence or explanation for the human brain which is the greatest difference.
Another related topic was discussed in the previous section HUMAN ACCELERATED REGIONS OF HUMAN DNA, which presented evidence from looking at differences in the DNA between chimpanzees and humans. Recall that only 49 of these HAR’s have been found. It is inconceivable to believe there are 49 areas where DNA has changed that would make a chimpanzee into a human, but these human accelerated regions must be where the changes would be, if there was a change. Now that we can analyze the DNA of both humans and chimpanzees, we find that there is no explanation for the evolution of a chimpanzee to a human based on DNA. Evolutionists may find a few more HAR’s, but these will never account for a human evolving from a chimpanzee.
Equally significant as the changes of what humans have that chimpanzees do not, is what is now ‘missing’ in humans that chimpanzees have. There are over 500 of these ‘deletions’ where the human DNA does not have what the chimpanzee DNA has. These findings contradict evolution which has more information as things get more complex, but what is found is that things are gone, deleted, and missing in more advanced life forms compared to what we are told they evolved from. That is the opposite of what is expected. Evolutionists expected to find in DNA the answer of how we came from chimpanzees, but now that we can look at the DNA, there is no answer.
This problem was discussed in the article “MCPH1: a window into brain development and evolution” which was published in the journal Frontiers in Cellular Neuroscience and reviewed all that is known about just one gene that is thought to be involved in how the brain evolved. They speculate about this one gene by saying “whilst its specific role in brain size regulation during development and evolution remain elusive, the pieces of the puzzle will be discussed with the aim of putting together the full picture.” The human brain is a miracle without an explanation of evolutionary origin.
It is a published fact in peer reviewed scientific journals that the origin of the special abilities of the human brain is unknown. Yet, it is a necessary condition for evolution to be true.
If the human brain is the result of evolution, then the human brain evolved from the chimpanzee brain. That is what we are told by evolutionists. Let’s all use our brain to see if we believe that our brain evolved from a chimpanzee brain. Ironically, our brain is also where we use logic and understand probability which leads us to the inevitable conclusion that:
If the human brain did not evolve from a chimpanzee brain,
then evolution logically cannot be possible.