If the formation of oil is not the result of evolution,
then evolution is not logically possible.
The origin of oil is controversial. The leading theory is that oil forms from the remains of dead organisms and this is why it is called ‘fossil fuels’. This is called the biogenic theory where dead organic material accumulates on the bottom of oceans, riverbeds and swamps, is later covered with sediment and over long periods of time (even up to hundreds of thousands of years) heat and pressure transforms this into kerogen. The kerogen eventually breaks up into smaller molecules to form either petroleum oil or natural gas. If this theory for oil formation is true, it gives more evidence of Noah’s flood. If oil is a fossil fuel, where did all the fossils come from to have so many so close together to produce enough oil to power our planet for all these decades? The evolutionary scenario with the occasional death that leads to fossilization would never produce vast oil fields, because these fossils would be too few, too far apart, and separated by too much time. This leading theory of massive quantities of dead organisms accumulating on the bottom of oceans and rivers and covered with sediment could only be from a global catastrophic flood. Remember, that if there was a global flood, then evolution is certainly not true. The problem that evolutionists have is that they cannot explain how enough dead organisms could be all together at the same time to make oil in the biogenic theory, which is the leading theory.
The alternative way that oil could have formed is called the abiogenic theory of oil. Here, naturally occurring geologic processes in the magma beneath the earth’s crust produce crude oil through a series of chemical reactions with extreme heat and pressure. The oil then seeps up into the rocks where it has been found. The rocks are the reservoir for the oil, the rocks is not where it is produced. This can happen very fast, as much as 10,000 times faster than the rate of formation of oil if it was from fossils. This theory is based on experimental evidence and has led to the discovery of oil fields in Russia. The abiotic (abiogenic) theory is also supported by discoveries of a special type of carbon (carbon 13) in oil that can only be there if it is not very old. This is because carbon 13 can never be hundreds of thousands or millions of years old, so this finding contradicts the biogenic theory of oil formation. This discovery of Carbon 13 in oil was published in the journal Science in the article, “Abiogenic hydrocarbon production at lost city hydrothermal field”. This has led to renewed debate of the origin of oil theories.
If the abiogenic oil theory is true, oil would no longer be called ‘fossil fuels’ because in this theory oil does not come from fossils or dead organisms. These discoveries have added ‘fuel’ to the young earth debate. If this abiogenic theory of oil formation is true, it is further support that the earth might not be millions of years old and not old enough for evolution to be true.
It is a published fact in peer reviewed scientific journals that Carbon 13 is found in oil fields and it is a scientific fact that Carbon 13 can never be hundreds of thousands or millions of years old. There is no proven evolutionary explanation for how Carbon 13 can be found in oil. There is also no proven evolutionary explanation for how enough fossils became so close together to produce enough oil to power our planet for decades and decades.
The leading biogenic theory supports a global flood and that would make evolution not true. The alternative abiogenic theory supports a young earth and that also would make evolution not true. Both of these theories contradict evolution. Have you ever heard of this? There are so many controversies that have no evolutionary proof and sadly most people are completely unaware that there even is a controversy or that evolutionary explanations are unproven.
Every time you fill your car with gas you should consider the fact that:
If the formation of oil is not the result of evolution,
then evolution is not logically possible.
If the formation of coal is not the result of evolution,
then evolution is not logically possible.
Coal is the largest source of energy for electricity in the world and is found on every continent of the earth. Coal is made when massive quantities of plants are buried and with heat and pressure the plants are turned into coal. There are two theories for the formation of coal, just like there were two theories for the formation of oil. Both theories have massive amounts of plants buried together “millions of years” ago, then heat and pressure produced chemical reactions to change this material to coal through a process called coalification. The only difference is how all the plants got buried together. One theory has these plants growing together in a very large swamp (the autochthonous theory) and the other has massive vegetation debris transported in a flood and then settled into areas that became the coal beds (the allochtonous theory). These are very similar to the biogenic theory of oil where fossils are turned into oil, and here where plants are turned into coal.
Evolution has the same problem for the formation of coal from dead plants as it does with the formation of oil from dead animals. How did so many plants get buried all together to form these massive coal beds? Some of the coal beds have incredible size. There is a single, vast seam of coal more than one hundred thousand square miles across the central and eastern United States. This seam includes parts of Oklahoma, Missouri, Iowa, Illinois, Indiana, Kentucky, Ohio and Pennsylvania. If the plants were not put here from a global flood they would have had to grow there in a swamp. But here the swamp would have to have been the size to cover portions of these 8 states. That would be a very big swamp! Even if all these plants did grow together how would they get buried all at once to make this large of a coal bed? The quantity of plants that would need to be buried together for coalification to be true with both the autochthonous (growth in place) and allochtonous (transportation and deposition) theories could only have happened with a global flood. These massive coal beds are found on every continent on earth. But we know that evolution cannot have a global flood, so there is no way for coal to form with evolution.
Evolutionists discuss coal as consistent with the age of the earth as being the millions of years old, but they have this huge problem of how did enough plants get buried together to make this possible. Without a global flood you cannot have enough plants buried together to make coal. This alone makes evolution impossible. It is a necessary condition.
It is also important to know that coal does not take millions of years to make out of plants. Coalification has been proven to happen rapidly, even in days in the lab. The existence of coal does not prove that the earth is millions of years old, but this is not the main point. The existence of coal means there was a global flood, and this makes evolution not possible.
It is a published fact in peer reviewed scientific journals that coal is made from massive quantities of plants which were buried together. It is also a fact that coal is found all over the earth. These facts are undisputed. The problem for evolutionists is that there is no proven evolutionary explanation for how so many plants could be buried together to create so much coal that it became the largest source of energy of electricity on earth. Creationists believe this occurred in the global flood, and this makes evolution not true.
Paleobotonists are the scientists who study dead plants that are found in geologic layers and try to understand the environment of the past. You do not need to be a paleobotonist to understand:
If the formation of coal is not the result of evolution,
then evolution is not logically possible.
If the existences of the worldwide fossil graveyards are not the result of evolution,
then evolution is not logically possible.
There are massive fossil graveyards all over the world that cannot be explained by evolution, but this is what is expected with a global flood. Many of these contain thousands and even millions of fossils piled together in tremendous masses. There are tens of thousands in the La Brea Tar Pits in Los Angeles. There are tens of thousands in Egg Mountain in Montana. There are also thousands in the Florissant Fossil Beds in Colorado, the Agate Fossil Beds National Monument in Nebraska, the Agate Springs Quarry in Nebraska, Fossil Caves of the Black Hills in South Dakota, White River Badlands of South Dakota, the Hanksville-Burbee Quarry in Utah, and in Tampa Florida. They are all over the United States and all over the world as well. The largest is the Karoo Formation in Africa with as many as billions over hundreds of miles and 20 feet thick!
How could these multiple, recurrent, extensive, and worldwide fossil graveyards happen with evolution? It cannot be explained. To become a fossil the animals must be buried nearly immediately after death. If they do not have rapid burial they would bloat, float, and become scavenged or decomposed. Everyone agrees that these fossil graveyards could only be the result of a flood. The controversy is if there was a global flood or just many local floods because evolution has only local floods. The local floods of evolution could explain a few of these graveyards with fossils which are just from that flood. But this does not explain all of what we see in the world.
The undisputed fact in paleontology literature is that there are hundreds and hundreds of these fossil graveyards. They are found on every continent, even Antarctica. Many of these fossil graveyards contain the fossils of both land and sea life. How can this be explained other than by the truth of a global flood? One example of this evidence is that there are fossils in these graveyards with the fossils of both whales and possums. Since whales don’t live with possums, this is evidence of a global flood, a flood far too extreme to be the result of a local flood.
There are just too many of these fossil graveyards to be the result of local floods. There are just too many different types of life in these fossil graveyards to be the result of local floods. There are just too many total fossils in these fossil graveyards to be the result of local floods. There are just too many locations of these fossil graveyards to be the result of local floods. Local floods just could not produce these.
The largest of all fossil graveyards is the Karoo Formation in Africa. The article, “Abrupt and Gradual Extinction Among Late Permian Land Vertebrates in the Karoo Basin, South Africa” published in the journal Science discusses these fossils. Here we read, the “central Karoo basin provides the most intensively investigated record of vertebrate fossils from the Upper Permian through the Triassic”. Despite being the most extensively investigated there is still no explanation of how it happened. They say “The Permian extinction is universally portrayed as the most catastrophic of all Phanerozoic mass extinctions, yet its cause remains problematic”. It is problematic because it is unexplained. This is the location of the largest collection of fossils on the planet, yet why it is there cannot be explained by evolutionists, it remains “problematic”. However their existence as a result of evolution is a necessary condition for evolution to be true.
The logical conclusion is to believe that these multiple, recurrent, massive, and worldwide fossil graveyards could only be the result of a global flood. To believe in evolution you have to believe that there was not a global flood. This is not controversial. No evolutionist can believe in a global flood. If there was a global flood, evolution is not true. It is that simple. The fossil graveyards are strong evidence that there was a global flood. This is more physical evidence in the earth that creation is true and evolution is false.
It is a published fact in peer reviewed scientific journals that the cause of fossil graveyards is unexplained.
Death is final. Before we are all in graveyards we need to use logic to consider the evidence that:
If the existences of the worldwide fossil graveyards are not the result of evolution,
then evolution is not logically possible.