If the endosymbiotic theory is not true, then evolution logically cannot be possible
The endosymbiotic theory is the explanation for mitochondria that gives energy to the cells, and also for chloroplasts which is the origin of all of the plants. It also is the reason that is given for some of the other organelles of the cell. That is quite a statement that parts of the cell which are the basis of life itself are completely dependent on the endosymbiotic theory to be true! This is not controversial. All evolutionists must believe in the endosymbiotic theory. So let’s examine the endosymbiotic theory and see what is known about it.
The endosymbiotic theory is saying that a free living and independent life form of a prokaryote (bacteria) is engulfed by another cell and this then becomes one part of a new life form. The entire old life including the DNA of this previously independent prokaryote is somehow incorporated into the new life and now is just “a part’ of the new life and performs functions for the new life. There are at least two ways to wonder if this could happen.
The evolutionary “tree” with the branches of new species is displayed in the evolutionary textbooks. Now that we are able to investigate and study DNA there has been an overwhelming amount of research to find common DNA links that would show how things evolved into other things. This has included the hunt for the sequence of events that led to life as we know it with organelles inside of cells and to explain, or hopefully prove, that endosymbiosis happened. This whole process and the results of previous research in this area was reviewed and published in the highly respected journal Current Opinion in Microbiology in the article, “Endosymbiotic theory for organelle origins”.
This article is commended for the honesty which summarizes what we know as “the finer we get into the details of (the evolutionary) branches in trees”, “the more equivocal evidence for endosymbiotic events sometimes becomes”. Equivocal means uncertain or questionable! The more we look the more it is uncertain. The more we look the more it is questionable. The more we know the evidence for endosymbiosis becomes more equivocal.
These highly intelligent, extensively trained, and formally educated scientists with the highest credentials are publishing in their own evolutionary journals that “It seems that either the interpretation of some endosymbiotic events are wrong, or something is wrong with the interpretations of some gene trees”. They have reviewed the genetic DNA evidence for the endosymbiotic theory and can only conclude that something must be wrong! Creationists can only agree. Yes, it is wrong.
There are so many problems with endosymbiosis. Even though this must be the mechanism for evolution to be true, we continue to see in the scientific literature evolutionists describing how this could not have happened. The journal Advances in Experimental Medicine and Biology published the article, “Origin of eukaryotic endomembranes: a critical evaluation of different model scenarios.” The author exhaustively summarized all of the thoughts of other evolutionists concerning how the parts of the cell that make eukaryotes different from prokaryotes could have evolved and concludes, “I argue that the widely held symbiotic models for the origin of the nuclear envelope and other endomembranes are cell biologically and evolutionarily highly implausible.” Even the ‘best’ theories of evolutionists about endosymbiosis when “critically evaluated” are felt to be “highly implausible” by other evolutionists.
Another way to think about the problem of the endosymbiotic theory is to see if we can have this happen in a lab. We can now do experiments in a lab and control everything and anything. We can create any environment in the lab. We can have any bacteria that might have started this symbiosis. We can put together anything that we want in any condition we want and just sit back and document that endosymbiosis is happening. We can just sit back and take pictures and videos of endosymbiosis and then we can prove it is true. How long do we have? There is no limit. We can try as many times as we want. We can get funding from the government to have as many scientists work with whatever equipment they need. These evolutionary scientists work at the best universities and best laboratory facilities in the United States and all over the world. There is no limit except the limits of human imagination to recreate the conditions that allowed endosymbiosis to happen. We can change everything, we can add anything, still no result. If it happened randomly and by chance, why can we not do it intentionally with all that we know? If it happened before, certainly we could make it happen now. There is no more knowledge that is needed. There is no more equipment that is needed. Creationists are calling on evolutionists to show them that endosymbiosis is possible. Creationists make the call. Evolutionists have no answer. Has it ever happened?
This is an important question. The endosymbiotic theory must be true for evolution to be true. It is a necessary condition. Everyone agrees with this! It is the only reason evolutionists have for the existence of critical organelles of the cell. It is the only reason evolutionists have for the existence of life itself. We only know that the endosymbiotic theory is “equivocal”, “highly implausible”, and that “something is wrong”.
It is a published fact in peer reviewed scientific journals that the endosymbiotic theory is unexplained.
You do not need to be a published author in Experimental Medicine and Biology to experiment with the idea:
If the endosymbiotic theory is not true, then evolution logically cannot be possible