If the Earth’s atmosphere began with oxygen,
then evolution logically cannot be possible.
The atmosphere of the earth is made up of layers of gases that surround the planet. It is now mainly nitrogen (78%) and oxygen (21%). However evolution requires that Earth started with what is called a reducing atmosphere where there is no oxygen at all. The controversy is whether there was oxygen in the early atmosphere or not. For evolution to be true there could not have been oxygen in the early atmosphere and this is because of the development of life on a planet that was just formed after the Big Bang. Evolutionists believe the oxygen was made from photosynthesis of cyanobacteria and plants so until there was life there could be no oxygen. That makes sense. The evidence in the earth to determine if there was oxygen or not is based on the types of rocks that are at the base of the planet.
Metals in these rocks undergo a chemical reaction called oxidation when there is oxygen in the environment. This makes the soil red like is seen in sedimentary rocks in the canyons of Arizona or Utah. This looks like the rust of iron which is made with oxygen. These types of rocks have been found with oxidized metals in areas where they should not be if evolution were true. Oxidized metals can only be made when there is oxygen. But these rocks are found in a part of the earth that evolutionists say was there before there was life. Without plant life there is no oxygen but we have evidence of oxygen that we can see in oxidized metals, and these are in rocks that are said to be made before there was plant life. It doesn’t make any sense.
The Geological Society of America has published the article “Oxygen in the Precambrian atmosphere: An evaluation of the geological evidence” in the journal Geology. Here it is reported that “Geological evidence often presented in favor of an early anoxic atmosphere is both contentious and ambiguous. The features that should be present in the geologic record had there been such an atmosphere seem to be missing”. They go on to say “It is suggested that from the time of the earliest dated rocks at 3.7 b.y. (billion years) ago, Earth had an oxygenic atmosphere”. This is saying there has always been oxygen. The Geological Society of America cannot find rocks before there was oxygen! How could this be if oxygen is made by life?
This is just one more controversial area and another necessary condition. For evolution to be true there could be no oxygen on the early Earth. That is not controversial. Everyone agrees. The disagreement and controversy is if there was oxygen in the early atmosphere of Earth. If it did have oxygen (and there is STRONG evidence it did), then evolution could not be true because there is no way to have oxygen before there is life.
It is a published fact in peer reviewed scientific journals that the earth has always had oxygen in the atmosphere. This directly contradicts the evolutionary teaching that the early earth had no oxygen and that later the atmosphere was made by life producing the oxygen.
You do not need to be an astrobiologist or a geochronologist to understand:
If the Earth’s atmosphere began with oxygen,
then evolution logically cannot be possible.