The process of DNA replication is very complicated and has multiple steps. Mistakes can be made for a variety of reasons which lead to DNA mutations. Mutations can also be caused by chemicals or radiation. For this reason we have enzymes that repair our DNA. The DNA repair enzymes monitor this process to prevent mutations and to fix mutations. The existence of this enzyme is evidence against evolution. Since evolution requires mutations there would be no reason or purpose to have an enzyme to prevent the mutations. Creationists believe that DNA possesses perfection and that we have these repair enzymes to maintain the perfection. Evolutionists cannot explain the existence of enzymes that prevent the only way for evolution to be true.
The journal Science has published the article “Human DNA repair genes”. We now know that there are “130 known human DNA repair genes”. This is an incredible number of different types of genes making different types of enzymes to repair every conceivable way that DNA can be damaged. This is just the human DNA repair enzymes; they are also present in many other forms of life. There are redundant systems which all work together to ensure and protect against DNA mutations. The systems of all life function to maintain life without DNA mutations. This is the consistent finding in all forms of life. Evolution has to have DNA mutations as the mechanism for change for evolution to be true. It is illogical that evolution ‘evolved’ an enzyme that would prevent evolution. The evidence is contradictory. Evolution must explain the existence of DNA repair enzymes to be true. It is a necessary condition.
It is a published fact in peer reviewed scientific journals that there are at least 130 known human DNA repair genes.
You do not need to be a molecular geneticist to know that:
The existence of DNA repair enzymes makes evolution logically impossible.