If we can’t explain what happened before the Big Bang, then how can evolution logically be possible?
Have you ever wondered what happened before the Big Bang? Evolution describes development of life once there is life. So evolution can only be true if there are planets on which life can start (from nonlife). Evolution can only be true if the Big Bang happened. But what happened before the Big Bang? Many evolutionists agree with the physicist Steven Hawking who has stated in public lectures that the universe has not existed forever and that the universe and time itself had a beginning. That beginning was the Big Bang. There is no explanation of anything before this. We are told to just accept that all of the matter in the entire universe ‘somehow’ was all together at one moment when the Big Bang happened. Don’t ask anything about how it all got there or what happened before that. It is not explained and we are told it will never be explained.
It just seems illogical to not have an answer. It all just started out of nothing? It all started out of nothing, but there is no God? This is more than unsettling. It’s disturbing. If we have to believe in the Big Bang to believe in evolution, but we have no way to understand the start of the Big Bang, we are left with uncertainty of the origin of our origins. You just have to accept that time itself began out of nothing for no reason and that it cannot be explained, and at that time all of the matter of the universe exploded in the Big Bang. These evolutionists tell us that there was nothing before the Big Bang. That seems to contradict basic intelligence. It is illogical.
This is the majority opinion but there are other opinions and theories. These have come from scientists who are theoretical particle physicists. Two of these ideas are the multiverse theory which has parallel universes and string theory which has invisible dimensions. Both of these bizarre ideas of parallel universes and invisible dimensions come from mathematical possibilities and neither come from anything that can be seen, felt, or measured. They do not explain the problem of what existed before the Big Bang any better than that nothing existed.
This leaves evolutionists to believe one of three things:
1. There was nothing before the Big Bang
2. There are multiple universes, which can never be seen even if they do exist.
3. There are invisible dimensions which also can never be seen or tested.
Evolution cannot be true if there was nothing before the Big Bang. It is a necessary condition. You do not need to be a theoretical particle physicist or a theoretical mathematician to wonder:
If we can’t explain what happened before the Big Bang, then how can evolution logically be possible?
We have discussed how there is no explanation of the existence of anything before the Big Bang. No one on earth has any understanding of how all of the matter (and dark energy) of the universe all came to be in a single location at the moment of the Big Bang. This is the consensus opinion of the majority of evolutionists.
However, other evolutionists have presented alternate theories when considering what existed before the Big Bang. The types of scientists who think about this problem are theoretical particle physicists. Two of the leading suggestions are the exceedingly abstract multiverse theory and string theory. The multiverse theory is that our universe is just one of many, even up to an infinite number of universes. The name multiverse comes from the concept that there are multiple universes. These universes are inside of each other and they talk about parallel universes and alternate universes. These seemingly ridiculous ideas result from odd and bizarre theoretical mathematical possibilities, not from the realm of facts. It is so crazy, that even if the multiverse does exists, we can never observe any of these other universes to prove or disprove their existence. So to believe in the multiverse theory you need to believe in something that cannot be proven or disproven.
The string theory is equally strange. This is described in the journal Lancet in the article, “Astroparticle physics and cosmology” as “String theory, in which the universe has several invisible dimensions”. We live in a three dimensional world with time as a fourth dimension. Another outcome of theoretical mathematics is that there are 10 or 11 or even 26 dimensions of time and space. These can not be directly measured or experienced, they are just mathematical possibilities. The problem with string theory is that it cannot be tested, so it will forever be uncertain.
The solutions to the problem of what existed before the Big Bang have led to considering bizarre and unexplained theories such as the multiverse theory and string theory with parallel universes and invisible dimensions. If the multiverse does exists, we can never observe any of these other universes to prove or disprove their existence, and string theory cannot be tested. These are both just mathematical outcomes, not reality. They provide no further certainty of what happened before the Big Bang than the explanation that there was nothing before the Big Bang, and that the universe and time itself just had a beginning which cannot be understood or explained.
This leaves us to believe one of these three for evolution to be true:
1. There was nothing before the Big Bang
2. There are multiple universes, which can never be seen even if they do exist.
3. There are invisible dimensions which can never be tested.
It is a published scientific fact that we do not know what happened before the Big Bang.