Can logic give us the answer to the question, “Is God Real”? It absolutely can for each and every person individually. This is because evolution is not exempt from logic. Logic is a formal way of reasoning or thinking about topics to determine truth. It is like ‘common sense’ but with more structure so people can be sure of what they are thinking about. In this book we will use logic to determine the truth about the existence of God.
If evolution is true then everything that is in the world and universe, everything that exists anywhere would have to have come into existence through evolution. If there is anything that exists that could not exist because of evolution, then evolution is not true. It is common sense. Evolution must be the reason for everything if it is the reason for anything. It’s all or none.
There is also a sequence of events that must have occurred for evolution to be true. Things that exist now must have ‘evolved’ from something else that existed before. There is a sequence of events presented in this book beginning with the Big Bang and ending with the human brain. Evolutionists talk about what ‘must have’ or ‘might have’ come from what. We must prove further and ask how they happened. Evolutionary theory is a sequence of individual events that can be considered individually and one at a time. We are not asking what might have happened. We are asking how, precisely, did any of these events take place.
The stakes are high. If evolution is not true, then the only rational alternative is God. For practical purposes and for our daily lives the reason to be certain if evolution is true or not is that if evolution is not true then there logically must be a God. You can be completely certain that God is real if you are certain that evolution is not true. Let’s think about this. I am saying that for all things that exist there are only these two real possibilities. There is either an all powerful God who created everything or evolution is true. Spend a minute and think about this. Can you think of any other reason that you could be here? It is just a fact that very few people ever think about. If evolution is NOT TRUE, then God MUST exist and created the universe. So, everything in this book is focused on different parts of evolution to see if you believe these things that exist could have come to exist through evolution. If you become convinced that evolution is false, then you logically are convinced that God is real. We will evaluate whether evolution is true or not in a very unique way which will become clear in the next few pages.
The book “ALL or None” presents 50 necessary conditions for evolution to be true. Each one of these is a controversy. If any one of them is not true, then evolution is not true. This is what logic tells us, and this is what common sense tells us. There will be statements on all 50 of these from recent scientific journals written by evolutionists to evolutionists that show that there is not any of these 50 that has been proven. It may be a surprising fact for you to learn that none of these 50 have been proven! They are all necessary and not one is proven. These scientific topics are presented in such a way that no advance knowledge about these 50 controversies is needed to understand the main fact that they are all unproven.
If we find that evolution is false because one or more of its necessary conditions are false, and we conclude that the rational alternative of creation is true, it opens up other doors. In terms of knowledge, we find that a standard of absolute truth has more to do with what this Creator reveals to us (i.e., in the Bible) than it does with what scientists think. When people come to know this God, their lives are forever changed. That is why many of the greatest scientific minds who have ever lived were complete believers in God and some of the more famous of these are listed in Appendix A.
The reason logic can answer this question is because logic uses ‘conditions’ to determine if a conclusion is true or not. We can think about the conditions of a logical argument one at a time and know for sure if we believe that the conclusion is true. The ‘conclusion’ of this logical argument is that evolution is false, and that God is real.
Some of the conditions of any logical argument are called ‘necessary conditions’. Necessary is like ‘needed’ or ‘required’. Without these required, needed, and necessary conditions the conclusion cannot possibly be true. This is just using words from logic to tell us what already makes sense to us with common sense. Evolution has things that are ‘necessary’ for it to be true.
Logic is just a way of saying this same thing. All things that exist are all each individual ‘necessary conditions’. Evolution must be able to explain each of the things that exist in the world. We can think about things that exist one at a time. All of the things that exist in the world and in the universe must be able to be the result of evolution for evolution to be true.
Section One will set the stage for the controversies presented in Section Two by setting out the role of logic in truth, the role of “if/then” statements in logic, and the relationship of necessary and sufficient conditions in “if/then” statements. Since the title of the book is “The Challenge of Logic and Probability to Evolution”, we need to first understand logic, probability, and evolution. It is essential to understand the logical framework of this book, the realities of probability, and what makes something a necessary condition of evolution. Section Two will then evaluate 50 of these necessary conditions which are all controversies. My claim is that the only valid conclusion that can be drawn is that evolution itself is false.
I will use the term “evolutionist” for people who believe in evolution and the term “creationist” for people who believe in creation. The beliefs and interpretations of scientific evidence by both evolutionists and creationists will be presented.
Some people say that both God and evolution are real, and that evolution is simply the means by which God made the universe and man. This position called Theistic Evolution is evaluated in Appendix B. Another problem is that the term “evolution” has a variety of meanings for different people. Sometimes it means “change” or developed” but here we are talking about the sense in which only God or evolution can be the reason all things exist.
Evolution is very controversial. It is presented as a ‘fact’ rather than the theory that it is. It is not a fact since there is significant disagreement among experts. Appendix C explains the nature of science and scientific theories. It shows why evolution is a theory at best, and not a proven fact. Since this book is about the logic of evolution, I intentionally avoid the legal and political issue of what is taught in schools.
Surprisingly, despite the dominance of evolution in our education and in our culture, most people still to do not believe it is true. The 2007 U.S. Religious Landscape Survey was done by Pew Forum on Religion & Public Life. The word ‘Pew’ has nothing to do with church pews and this is not a religious organization. Pew Research Center is the most respectable and reliable organization that does independent public opinion survey research. Pew Research Center is a nonpartisan fact tank that informs the public about the issues, attitudes and trends shaping America and the world. They asked the question if people agree that:
“Evolution is the best explanation for the origins of human life on earth”
Only 48% of the population of the United States agrees with that statement, and they have not ever even heard of what you are about to read. Why is the collective common sense of the country resisting the never ending efforts of evolution’s proponents to make sure everyone believes it? Perhaps its logical failings resonate with people, even if they do not understand the scientific details. Evolution just really doesn’t make sense to most people.